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Tony Hager [twitter-follow screen_name=’hagertony’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

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Kirk Crittenden [twitter-follow screen_name=’critterk10′ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

Ross Bartachek [twitter-follow screen_name=’Rossbchek’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

Lars Underbakke [twitter-follow screen_name=’LarsIAwrestle’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

IAwrestle Content Contributors:

Nic Ryder [twitter-follow screen_name=’Nic_Ryder’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

Eric Schares [twitter-follow screen_name=’infieldpower’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

Ben Swalla [twitter-follow screen_name=’swallamerican’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]

Matt Watters [twitter-follow screen_name=’ia_wwr’ show_count=’yes’ text_color=’00ccff’]